About Me

Hello, I am Arooba, a house wife and mother of three beautiful sons. A bachelor degree holder in Business Management Human Resources and possess keen interest in poetry, sketching, singing and reading. All my life I have never had any weight issues. Both by hereditary and my dietary habits, I have been a skinny and slim person, but it was all after marriage that made me a cow from a lamb!

After my first DnC, I started gaining weight slowly, it was not so while that I started expecting my first baby and I ate like crazy. I had no idea of weight maintenance in pregnancy and like you all I had a myth in my mind that if I will eat well, my baby will be healthy and lovely! All I did was eating, eating and eating with very less walk and I ended up looking like a baby elephant gaining good twenty three kilograms! It was never too easy to shed them as I had C-section and was bound not to work out for six months, but it was never too difficult too! I started with walk immediately after C-section and continued to work out after six months. I started eating clean and within nine months of postpartum I lost all baby weight and was back to my original weight and body. After my son turned 1, I conceived again but this time I gained only seven kilograms!

Strange isn’t it? From twenty three kilograms to only seven kilograms with little gap between babies was really strange for all my doctors as well as for friends and family! People would commend me for carrying it well looking like a cute smart Prego! My second baby was with C-section too and this time I was more conscious than before to get back in shape quickly and healthily. I did postnatal yoga, walk and clean eating from the beginning. Since I gained less so it was very easy to shed too, and it took me only 3 months to get back to original weight and body to which I was even before marriage!

I have been working as a content writer by profession since many years but never thought that I will be creating my own blog specifically for weight loss one day! It was after my Facebook group named Conceive and Postpartum Weightloss with Arooba became a good hit. The idea of starting a group and then a blog was an inspiration of my own self. The things I learnt and applied in my life from pregnancy to postpartum are all I wanted to deliver to the world. People misconnect pregnancy with eating heavily and this is why we gain like crazy with so many health issues and then it becomes very difficult to shed those fats too.

A healthy pregnancy doesn’t need meals but it needs stress free routine, proper sleep, clean healthy diet and a good body workout. This website has everything that I have been researching over months and years and have applied on myself too and therefore I hope it will be best for you all. I hope you have a good stay here with everything you want to know from conception to pregnancy and to postpartum.

This website is designed to help you with everything you need for healthy and active lifestyle. From effective body workouts to healthy recipes, from different diseases to their cures and their specific diets, from natural remedies to beauty and hair tips and from words of wisdom to antidepressant remedies, you have got it all! Being one stop solution, this website would give you an edge for a balanced lifestyle exposure. We hope you find everything you click here for! Have a happy stay..!